This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Network Security

This lesson will walk you through some simple network security issues. We will start with the ArpSpoof man-in-the-middle attack, and, how it can be used to modify data served over HTTPS.


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00:00 1. Introduction What is network security?
What are some types of network security attacks?
What are the broader impacts of network security issues?
00:10 2. ARP Poisoning Attack What is an ARP Poisoning attack?
Why is ARP vulnerable to such attacks?
What can you do once you have successfully performed an ARP poisoning attack?
00:50 3. SSL Strip Attack What is SSL Stripping?
How does ARP Poisoning help with SSL Stripping?
What can users do to detect SSL Strip attacks?
01:30 4. SSH Honeypot What is SSH Honeypot?
How does an SSH Honeypot help detect and analyze attacks?
01:45 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.