This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Network Security: Glossary

Key Points

Password Hashing and Cracking
  • Directions.pdf can be opened using Firefox.

  • It is best to copy and paste the hashed passwords in Task 2.

  • hashfile1.txt is created for user’s convenience in the home directory.

RSA Public-Key Encryption and Signature Lab
  • It is best to copy and paste the private keys, public keys, messages and so on from this instruction.

  • Code can be written using gedit and compiled using gcc which is available within the container.

Public Key Infrastructure Lab
  • OpenSSL and Apache web server has already been installed in the container.

  • All of the sudo command needs to be launched from the user’s home directory!!

  • User will be able to edit files using vim.



Cyber Human Ecosystem of Engaged Security Education
National Data Service