This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Glossary

Key Points

  • Machine learning can be used to analyze and identify cybersecurity issues

DDoS Classification using Machine Learning
  • We are utilizing a specific model, logistic regression to classify network traffic data into benign and attack classes

  • The data being used is not raw network traffic data, but pre-processed data that is conducive to machine learning analysis

  • When a lot of training data is provided, machine learning is able to learn fairly accurate models

SVM Poisoning Attack
  • We are using a SVM model trained to recognize handwritten digits from the popular MNIST database

  • As part of the poisoning attack, malicious data is being added to the training set

  • The effectiveness of the attack is measured by evaluating on a test set with and without the poisoned samples

Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks
  • We are using a trained neural network model trained to recognize handwritten digits from the popular MNIST database

  • As part of the attack, adversarial examples are being added which trick the network into returning a different label

  • The effectiveness of the binary thresholding method is demonstrated on grayscale images

  • The effectiveness of training the neural network with the adversarial examples added to the training set is also demonstrated



Cyber Human Ecosystem of Engaged Security Education
National Data Service